Early Career Spotlight Talks
- Christopher Amato
Decision-Making Under Uncertainty in Multi-Agent and Multi-Robot Systems: Planning and Learning

- Yukino Baba
Statistical Quality Control for Human Computation and Crowdsourcing

- Anca Dragan
Optimizing Robot Action for and around People

- Martin Gebser
Gearing up Knowledge Representation and Reasoning for the Real World
- Emmanuel Hebrard
Reasoning about NP-complete Constraints

- Jia Jia
Mental Health Computing via Harvesting Social Media Data

- Albert Xin Jiang
Solving Games with Structured Strategy Spaces

- J. Zico Kolter
The power of convexity in deep learning

- Xiaojuan Ma
Towards Human-Engaged AI

- Cynthia Matuszek
Grounded Language Learning: Where Robotics and NLP Meet
- Nina Narodytska
Formal Analysis of Deep Binarized Neural Networks

- Roberto Navigli
Natural Language Understanding: Instructions for (Present and Future) Use

- Frans A. Oliehoek
Interactive Learning and Decision Making: Foundations, Insights & Challenges

- Magdalena Ortiz
Improving Data Management using Domain Knowledge

- Nardine Osman
Partakable Technology

- Scott Sanner
Symbolic Compilation, Inference, and Decision-making with Deep-learned Models

- Guy Shani
Advances and Challenges in Privacy Preserving Planning

- Matthew E. Taylor
Improving Reinforcement Learning with Human Input

- Serena Villata
Artificial Argumentation for Humans

- William Yeoh
Towards Improving the Expressivity and Scalability of Distributed Constraint Optimization Problems

- Yang Yu
Towards Sample Efficient Reinforcement Learning

- Xiangliang Zhang
Mining Streaming and Temporal Data: from Representation to Knowledge

- Vincent W. Zheng
Engineering Graph Features via Network Functional Blocks

- Jun Zhu
Probabilistic Machine Learning: Models, Algorithms and a Programming Library